Women-Owned Business Resources

Find resources for your business

Dedicated to helping women-owned businesses thrive through providing resources and lists of program/grants available to them.

Here you will find useful resources that will help you navigate the confusing world of where to even find help for your business!

We are not meant do business alone! We need to support each other through every step of our business. If there is a particular resource you are looking for please contact us!


General Resources

Find resources for your business

Dedicated to helping women-owned businesses thrive through providing resources and lists of program/grants available to them.

Here you will find useful resources that will help you navigate the confusing world of where to even find help for your business!

We are not meant do business alone! We need to support each other through every step of our business. If there is a particular resource you are looking for please contact me!

Small Business Administration (SBA)

The SBA provides a wealth of information for small businesses. They also have locations throughout the US. You should also think about becoming a certified woman-owned business through the SBA. It’s free to become self-certified. It’s a bit of a lengthy process but well worth the effort!


NAWBO is a dues-based organization whose mission is to propel women into greater economic, social, and political power worldwide. NAWBO has chapters in cities throughout the country that sponsor educational meetings and networking events, and NAWBO’s website includes online entrepreneurial training and resources.


SCORE has Local chapters in the U.S. that pairs mentors with entrepreneurs. There are also great resources on their website for women-owned businesses including workshops, courses, tips, statistics and more!

Female Entrepreneur Association

The Female Entrepreneur Association is an online resource with the mission of inspiring and empowering women from around the world to turn their ideas into a reality, build wildly successful businesses.

Danny DeMichele

Danny DeMichele has put together an array of resources specifically for women-owned businesses. Click on See Resource to check out the wealth of information.