Welcome to
Lady ChangeMakers

An exclusive e-commerce platform for women-owned businesses to gain the exposure & sales

About Us

There are three important economic trends that are happening right now.


83% of women want to support women-owned businesses but 62% don’t know where to find them.

80% of purchasing decisions are made by women resulting in about $20 Trillion in consumer spending.


17% of households refuse to shop on Amazon.

From these three economic trends, we can see that women truly want to support other women-owned businesses but need to be able to easily find them. Women also have all the purchasing power in the United States with $20 trillion dollars in consumer spending, which is expected to increase by 40% in the next five years! And, with 17% of consumers refusing to shop on Amazon we can see there’s a new wave of conscious buyers. Women are being more intentional about where they’re spending their dollars and they’re choosing women-owned businesses.

At Lady ChangeMakers we are making it easy for women to find women-owned businesses.

Closing the entrepreneurial gender gap


Lady ChangeMakers aims to close the entrepreneurial gender gap by creating visibility and sales for women-owned businesses. Did you know that male-owned businesses receive significantly more media coverage than women-owned businesses? They also receive more funding and loans and they also statistically stay in business longer than women-owned businesses.

Women-owned businesses deserve to be seen just as much as their counterparts. Lady ChangeMakers is here to make that happen.

When one of us succeeds, we all succeed. Women reinvest up to 90%of their income back into their families and communities, while men only reinvest 20-30%. Our societies thrive when creating an even playing field.

Through this platform, women-owned businesses can expect to be connected to the consumers who are searching to find and support them and gain valuable visibility.

When one of us succeeds, we all succeed.

happy diverse women owned business founders

Lady ChangeMakers makes it easy and affordable to gain exposure for your business.


Social advertising increased by over 60% from 2020!

With the continued increase of ad spending on social, it’s getting harder and harder for small businesses to afford advertising for their businesses.

You deserve to be seen


In fact, the number one problem for women-owned businesses is being able to afford marketing and advertising. With the digital adoption rate having sped up by five years due to the pandemic, the online space is more crowded than ever yet, your business needs to be in more than one place online.

Lady ChangeMakers provides women-owned businesses the additional exposure their business needs to stand out online.

Interested in gaining more exposure for your business with Lady ChangeMakers?

About the Founder

Have you ever felt like you were meant for greater things but just didn’t have the tools to get to where you knew you were meant to be?

I’ve always, quietly, been confident in what I could accomplish. I always thought with enough hard work that I would eventually be noticed for my talents by being rewarded. Being a hardcore introvert I wanted to prove that I didn’t need anyone’s help to be successful.

Fast forward to my 30s… I finally realized that it is not enough to be a hard worker, you need to actually talk and connect with people (I know shocking right).

I learned the power of investing in myself and started to grow personally. Through coaching programs and masterminds I was able to build the confidence in myself that I always silently knew was there.

Know that you have everything inside of you that you need to succeed, you just need to wholeheartedly believe in yourself.

If you’re shy like me just know that being shy doesn’t need to be your excuse. The reason you’re struggling is not because you’re shy, it’s because you’re not yet confident enough to speak your truth. I still find it terrifying to speak on stages and hell speak to people I don’t know in a networking room. But because I’m now confident in myself and my mission I’m not afraid to talk about my passions.

I can’t always say I was into the whole #womensupportingwomen growing up. Because of my introvertedness and trauma in my childhood I grew up with little empathy for myself and others. In corporate, there was little room for women in leadership roles and you were encouraged to claw your way to the top. It was what I was taught and what was encouraged. It never felt right and it always felt unfair that there was not enough room for women. I just never knew what to do with that feeling.

It wasn’t until I failed at my first business that I started to get ideas on how I could better support women. I tried a few ideas but nothing was sticking until I came up with the idea for Lady ChangeMakers.

I never wanted a business that was all about me. I wanted to find a way to help women rise to the top, together. There is enough room for us all no matter what industry we’re in. With over 15 years of experience in marketing, advertising and promotions I knew I had the skills to bring us all together.

The beauty of SEO is that it can’t discriminate against you for being a woman. It only sees your keywords and content. We’re using the power of SEO to make women feel seen and heard in their businesses.

We are all on this journey together ladies. I look forward to rising to the top with you!

Founder of Lady ChangeMakers Jessica Bargenquast