Simply Refined Health
1434 W. Elliot Rd. Suite 101
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The Lowdown

Julia St. Clair, ND is a Naturopathic Doctor who graduated from the Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine with Highest Academic Honors (Class Valedictorian). She has a passion for helping patients see reversals and remissions in chronic diseases, autoimmune disease, thyroid and endocrine disorders, and gastrointestinal disorders. Dr. St. Clair provides targeted and personalized recommendations that work for you and your lifestyle, so you can start feeling your best fast. She offers acupuncture, nutritional injections and IV therapy, nutritional recommendations with menu plans, homeopathy, herbal blends, and homeopathy. Check out the website to learn more! Affordable monthly membership available!

Simply Refined Health is located inside of GhentMD.

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  • Simply Refined Health

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