Melany Berger
The Lowdown

Melany Berger (Better than a hotdog) a.k.a. – “Snarky” or Queen of Snark

All snark, all true. Nine lives worth of short stories, advice & raw judgement on relationships, life, products and everything in between.

These have all happened to me and I just write it like I see it. You may not like it, but I probably don’t like you. I have lived at least 9 lives and thought I would offer a window into some of them. Chill out and get over yourself before you read these! Words of wisdom from one of the smartest people I ever knew. KISSEZZ.

I write about working (unknowingly) as a flytrap for ALL the stupid people in the world. I have been told that I need to write a book so, I started blogging!

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