Jennifer Jakobsen Life Coaching
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The Lowdown

Hi, I’m Jennifer Jakobsen, a life coach serving moms of girls show up as their best selves, navigate stressful situations, and create a lifestyle of independence for themselves and for their daughters.. Parenting is the toughest job on the planet! As of mom of 3, I know what it’s like to work for free 24 hours a day 7 days a week, run a household, make big decisions for my family, and try to juggle it all, without losing my cool or fall into overwhelm! It wasn’t until I uncovered the Mama’s Mindset Cure that I was able to relax and really enjoy motherhood the way I always wanted to, while also instilling a positive future for my daughter(s).



Empowering self-paced courses for moms on a mission to show up as their best selves!


Check out my blog and other resources that I have personally used and recommend!


Searching for the life coach that understands your “world” as a mom of girls!? Let’s chat!

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