Abundant Space
10824 N 71st Place
The Lowdown

We live in a fast paced and technologically advanced world that is presumably designed to make our life easier. Yet, many people may find themselves not fully content, caught up in the whirlwind while searching for a connection to both their own inner self and the community in which they live and work.

Abundant Space is here to bring that connection back, the connection to our own truth as well as the community around us!

hrough individual and group healing sessions, we start the journey back to our authentic self, often discovering our true purpose in the process. Breathwork allows us to release that which no longer serves & Shamanic work allows for a deep connection to self & the World around us. Sound healing aids us in this journey and meditation groups help us focus and eliminate the chatter our mind can create.

Abundant Space hosts weekly workshops that encourage us to discover new skills and rejoice in ancestral ways. We organize monthly cultural & art events to inspire and broaden our horizons. If you are wishing to share your own unique gifts in our community space, we would love for you to HOST A WORKSHOP. If you are brand new to workshops, note that we offer support via 30 minute planning sessions where we can help you with all of the details. By coming together as a community, we thrive and experience personal healing, a sense of belonging, peace of mind and the understanding we so desire!

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