Terms & Conditions of use of the Lady ChangeMakers’ e-commerce Platform

A. Definitions

Business Owner/Vendor

Business entity or entrepreneur offering services on the Lady ChangeMakers’ Business Directory; also referred to herein as Service Provider

Person shopping on the website and purchasing the products/services listed on the Lady ChangeMakers’ e-commerce platform

e-commerce Platform
Lady ChangeMakers’ shopping platform

Vendor Listing
An entry in the Lady ChangeMakers’ e-commerce Platform with services and/or products provided by a Business Owner

B. The purpose of this directory:

The primary purpose of the e-commerce platform is to promote women-owned businesses and allowing business owners to sell their services and/or products on a shopping platform. Clients with a need for these services and/or products can conduct a search, choose a business and purchase from their listings of services and/or products. This allows women-owned businesses to gain valuable exposure outside of their immediate communities.

Lady ChangeMakers’ does not warrant the validity of the information in the e-commerce platform. The information is provided by the business owners and Lady ChangeMakers does not verify the claims made by these persons. While a great deal of care has been taken to keep information on this site both accurate and inoffensive, Lady ChangeMakers cannot be held responsible for errors, misprints, omissions or misinformation. Lady ChangeMakers is also not responsible for information that may be contained in sites linked to the business owner’s listings or links to other sites provided by anyone listed in the e-commerce platform.

Members of the public are solely responsible for their selection of business owners from the e-commerce platform and any arrangements made, financial or otherwise, are strictly between the business owner and the client. Lady ChangeMakers cannot be held responsible for any problems that may arise from such arrangements.

C. Restrictions on use:

Any text from the e-commerce platform cannot be reproduced, copied, republished, or transmitted.

D. Disclaimers:

The e-commerce platform is provided on an “as is”, “as available” basis. Lady ChangeMakers expressly disclaims all warranties, including the warranties on the quality of merchandise.

Lady ChangeMakers disclaims all responsibility for any loss, injury, claim, liability or damage of any kind resulting from, arising out of, or in any way related to:

  • any errors in or omissions from the Directory and its content, including, but not limited to, technical inaccuracies and typographical errors;
  • any third party websites or content therein directly or indirectly accessed through links in the Directory, including but not limited to, any errors or omissions there from;
  • The unavailability of this site (and therefore the Directory) or any portion thereof; and the use of the Directory.

E. The Business Owner’s Obligations

A Vendor Listing must not include information that:

  • is unlawful, threatening, abusive, defamatory, obscene, vulgar, objectionable, pornographic, profane or indecent;
  • is false, misleading, deceptive or contains any misrepresentations;
  • interferes with or inhibits clients or business owners from enjoying or using the Directory;
  • constitutes or encourages conduct that would violate any law;
  • violates or infringes upon the intellectual property rights or other proprietary rights of any other person;
  • discloses confidential information of any other person without that person’s written consent;
  • Is an invasion of any privacy or publicity rights of any person; or exposes Lady ChangeMakers to liability.

The information contained in a Vendor Listing must:

Offer only products or services that comply with all laws of The United States of America; and be true, accurate and be kept up to date.

F. Warranties and Consent

The Business Owner warrants and represents that:

  • all details and information in the Vendor Listing provided by the business owner are true and accurate and are not false, misleading or deceptive; and
  • the information contained in the Vendor Listing will be kept accurate and up to date and compliant with these Terms and Conditions.

G. Lady ChangeMakers’ Rights and Obligations

Lady ChangeMakers reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to reject, refuse or remove a Vendor Listing or a part of a listing at any time for any reason and without being obliged to provide any reasons. Multi Level Marketing Businesses are not allowed on the e-commerce platform for any reason and will be deleted without notice.

Lady ChangeMakers reserves the right to make additions or changes to the information contained in a Vendor Listing. If Lady ChangeMakers makes any such additions or changes, efforts will be made to ensure that information is accurately uploaded onto the e-commerce platform.

Lady ChangeMakers reserves the right to, at any and all times and without notice monitor a Vendor Listing to ensure compliance with these Terms and Conditions; and record the outcomes of these monitoring activities, without any obligation to disclose or report the outcomes of these monitoring activities.

H. Charges

Vendor Listings offer several exposure packages, there are Do-It-Yourself Options and completely Done-For-You Options depending on the exposure your business is looking for.

Lady ChangeMakers reserves the right to introduce and, once introduced, to change charges for Vendor Listings. If this occurs, the business owner will be notified at the address contained in the Vendor Listing, or at the contact address provided, within a reasonable time before the introduction or change of these charges.

If the Business Owner does not pay the charges for a Vendor Listing within 30 days of such charges coming into effect or being due and payable, Lady ChangeMakers reserves the right to remove the Vendor Listing immediately and without any further notice.

Entrance into the e-commerce platform are, as of this moment in time, a one-time entrance fee. Payment is due in full at time of creating Vendor Listing.

I. Changes to these Terms and Conditions

Lady ChangeMakers may vary any of these Terms and Conditions at any time by giving reasonable notice by e-mail at the address contained in the Vendor Listing, or at the contact address provided, and by notice on the www.ladychangemakers.com website and the e-commerce platform webpage.

In the event of disagreement with any of these Terms and Conditions, use of this website must be immediately terminated. Continued use of the Directory constitutes agreement to comply with these Terms and Conditions.

Date: 27 November 2021

For any queries, please email: hello@ladychangemakers.com