bean goods
946 Daisy Ave
Long Beach
Business Phone Number
The Lowdown

Claire Wolfson launched her brand, BeanGoods in 2011 with her now husband, Chris. BeanGoods is a cheeky and colorful clothing brand inspired by her dachshund, Bean. Over the past 7 years Claire went from working a 9-5 corporate design job to going full time with her brand in 2013. Claire credits her success with BeanGoods to tapping into a highly focused niche she personally was passionate about and creating designs that stand out amongst the sea of tacky dog inspired products on the internet. In creating her brand she brought together her background in fashion design with her love for her soulful, loyal companion through many ups and downs, Bean. BeanGoods now currently has a social media following of over 50K devoted customers and fans and her online shop is consistently generating over six figures in sales yearly. Most recently Claire has been sharing business tips and words of wisdom through her personal social media and is in the process of developing an online course that will guide her students to develop a thriving product based brand around a specific niche in 2019.

  • bean goods
  • bean goods
  • bean goods
  • bean goods
  • bean goods
  • bean goods
  • bean goods
  • bean goods
  • bean goods
  • bean goods

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