More You
Woman Owned
Business Name
Phoenix 85032
Business Phone Number
The Basics

At More You, we match small business owners with online business managers so you have more time, more resources, and, ultimately, more you to go around.

How can you support me and my business?
We are always looking for amazing entrepreneurial women to support in their behind the scenes of their business so they can continue to live their passion!
Crackers In Soup
Woman Owned
Minority Owned Business
Business Name
The Basics

I own a podcasting management business! I work with women who want to use podcasting as a way to get their primary business seen and heard. Together, we go over marketing strategies, create season plans and dive into what you want your audience to know....and we laugh. ALOT!

How can you support me and my business?
I am a creator of time and connection. Reach out to me when you are ready to take your business to the next level with podcasting!
Victoria Price VA & Marketing
Woman Owned
16 Cransley Crescent
BS9 4ph
Business Phone Number
The Basics

I offer VA and Marketing services and support for coaches and holistic practitioners and creatives

Kopf Consulting | Virtual Assistance
Woman Owned
Minority Owned Business
9 Barlet Street #2418
Andover 01810
Business Phone Number
The Basics

As a Virtual Technical Assistant, I alleviate the headache and stress of trying to juggle the high-end tech tasks when running your own business. Online Software and Social Media platforms change every day and while I absolutely love the challenge and exposure, some of my clients find it cumbersome and would rather spend their time doing something they love (like closing clients).

How can you support me and my business?
I take care of the back-end of your business so you can focus on what you love doing most.